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Phase two reports released

Thank you all for joining us on this journey. Our report has been released as has the report for the Electronic Building Passport. Some of our Councils were participants in both projects and the information resources overlap. You can check the NEEBP page for updated information and project status.

We are pleased with the end result. Energy compliance is not straightforward and Council inspections can only ever be part of a larger system. All the pieces of the puzzle need to fit together. Our work showed us what was easy to inspect and what was hard. We got a variety results because Councils themselves have different systems, the states have differing regulatory regimes and of course the housing stock changes with climate and location.

Please go to Pilot Findings for a summary. The summary can't replace a read of the report, which we recommend of course. You can download the final report at this link.

What happens now? We will be keeping this website live for the remainder of 2016 so that it can be a useful resource. The National Energy Efficient Building Project will build on our work as it continues its reform agenda and we hope to be involved in future elements of this work. Feel free to contact the team with any further questions about this energy compliance and inspections project and the main contact for NEEBP within government is



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