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Phase 3 Deep-Dive Project Team

Darren Starr

Leading Edge Town Planners


Darren is an urban and regional planner with wide range of experience across State and Local Government and the private sector. Experienced in residential development assessment and regulation within Local Government. President of the Planning Institute of Australia (South Australia).


Leading Edge Town Planners is a service oriented town planning practice with a focus on achieving quality town planning outcomes for clients and communities alike. We assist land owners and developers with land use planning projects and development approvals by applying our specialist knowledge and experience to the facilitation of your project or the granting of necessary approvals.


Heather Smith

Changing Weather


Heather is an electrical engineer with a technical background across energy and climate change issues. Experience in the analysis of built form policies and procedures for climate smart and energy efficient precincts. Energy efficiency auditing, system design, monitoring and verification.


Changing Weather is an energy consultancy specialising in community energy and alternative generation.


Sally Modystach

Healthy Environs


Sally is an experienced sustainability management consultant with expertise across environmental management, auditing and sustainability planning. Sally has worked for various metropolitan and rural Councils on sustainability and community wellbeing projects. She has a thorough appreciation of Council management and development assessment processes.


Healthy Environs is an Adelaide based consultancy specialising in public health, community development and environmental sustainability. The company focuses on providing independent, quality support to community, government and private organisations to build and sustain healthy communities.


Phil Donaldson



Phil is a sustainable development professional. He has sustainability policy experience within State and Local Government, and has undertaken research into ratings systems, housing affordability and affordable living outcomes.  He has been the Industry Project Leader for the Adelaide Living Laboratory (CRC for Low Carbon Living), and was a previous Director of Lochiel Park Development between 2010-2012.


SustainSA is an organisation aimed at improving the life and well-being of communities through sustainable development practices and processes. Its purpose is to help local government, government, industry and corporate businesses to achieve a more sustainable and holistic approach to strategic planning, delivering and reporting through consideration of triple bottom line frameworks applied to decision making. The aim of this business is to grow an alliance of like-minded people with a range of skills that when joined together can create great things.

Deb Davidson

dsquared consulting


Deb provides built environment sustainability advice (design, construction and commissioning). Building environmental modelling and rating assessment services (including the residential sector). Part of a national network of sustainability consultants (the Sustainability Small Business Network).


dsquared deliver innovative and independent sustainable solutions in the built environment. We work with our clients to create more sustainable spaces, places and communities where people want to work, rest and play. We provide Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) and Sustainability advice from the earliest stages of project master planning, through building design, construction and functionality.


Our Phase 2 Team For Project 1 Also Included
Consultant team involved in this website's
Phase 2 and Phase 3 projects

© 2017 by Sustain SA.

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