Phase 3 - Deep Dive Project
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NEEBP Phase 3 is tasked with working with regulators to identify strategic issues, skills, systems and tools that could achieve greater levels of energy compliance and high energy efficiency performance across the building cycle.
NEEBP Phase 3 is delivering two separate projects in 2017. Project 1 aims to support building regulator capacity for energy efficiency compliance whilst Project 2 is investigating cross-industry energy efficiency training for residential building.
This site is dedicated to the deep-dive project which re-engages with Local Government and regulatory stakeholders who have been involved in Pilot projects through Phase 1 and 2, whilst also engaging with councils and regulators new to the NEEBP. The deep-dive project is being delivered through Project 1 of Phase 3 of the NEEBP.
Phase 3 deep-dive project

Building on Phase 2, the Government of South Australia has a contract arrangement with the Commonwealth to undertake a series of consultations and identify the key factors affecting the capacity of regulators to verify compliance with the energy efficiency requirements of the National Construction Code.
This is aimed at Class One buildings although opportunities to discuss Class Two and alterations and additions will occur through the consultations.
This follows on from successful projects undertaken by SA during NEEBP Phase 2 in regard to:
Compliance checklist tools
Building passport
Alterations and additions
The aim of this deep-dive project for Phase 3 is to consult widely with private, commercial and local government regulators including:
Building surveyors
Inspectors and
Associated officials
These workshops, coupled with a national survey, will lead to a number of recommendations to the COAG Energy Council, through the NEPP, for possible future work to support the broad range of building regulation professionals with knowledge, skills, systems, tools and guidelines that will improve their capacity to deliver energy efficient, high performing and Code compliant residential buildings.
Workshop Dates​
Workshop numbers will be capped at 40 to ensure a broad range of people attend and to ensure task orientated discussion.
Attendance at workshops will be via invitation across the disciplines that deal with energy efficiency compliance process and assessment compliance. People involved in planning and building approval, building surveyors, inspectors, energy assessors and others involved with building regulation and energy efficiency provisions are welcome to provide their details via the website.
The Government of South Australia would like to acknowledge the assistance provided to the coordination of these Project Workshops by:
Queensland Department of Energy and Water Supply
Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
City of Adelaide
Survey Dates
From 7th August 2017 to 8th September 2017.
Testing Phase
Consolidation Phase
Validation Phase
Tuesday 6th June (completed)
Friday 28th July (completed)
Wednesday 20th September