Results Starting to Flow
We have finalised the recruitment of our Pilot Councils and energy compliance inspections are being carried out in earnest amongst the 11 Councils. Welcome to Launceston and Parramatta as our latest recruits and congratulations to the three Councils who have signed up for both Project 1 (energy compliance auditing) and Project 2 (Electronic Building Passport). Namely - Playford, Cairns and Joondalup. We have discussed the checklist with every Council and established some baseline data for evaluation. If you would still like to contribute your expectations for the project, the start up surveys can be accessed here. The Webinars and start up discussions have led to a number of improvements in our checklist and we have uploaded the latest version here which responds to the feedback from everyone. In particular, following our pilot technical review meeting on the 20th May, we modified the checklist to manage the inspections within the compressed timeframe for the Pilot. The Checklist cover page now reflects that Inspection 1 (post frame) and Inspection 2 (between frame and final) may be undertaken on 2 different properties (by the same builder and of similar construction type). The results are starting to flow as Council inspectors use the checklist. We encourage you to keep in touch with feedback and queries and we have set up the discussion board to enable inspectors and others involved in the process to share experiences with each other. Do the results of Phase 1 ring true in practice? Is the installation of windows and insulation the two main culprits in energy efficiency compliance? Do you think the inspection process is adequate to assess compliance and pick up the key issues that will improve the energy performance of our building stock?